Sunday, 20 May 2012

Test revision

This may be too late to be helpful but if you want to make use of a communal discussion in the few short hours before the test here it is:
God the Geometer, Codex Vindobonensis 2554

Details, in case you missed them, are:
  • The test takes place in the lecture slot on Monday 21 May.
  • It is expected to take about an hour, but you can take up to two if required. 
  • It will follow an essay format.
  • It will take the form of a statement you must discuss with reference to primary sources.
  • Select primary sources will be provided.
  • A mock test is available on Blackboard
  • The marking criteria are listed in the Unit Guide
  • There is no exam in the exam period.
  • There is no tutorial in week 12 after the test.
  • Please submit outstanding essay hard copies to the SOPHIS essay box (Menzies W604).
It's been a blast, so thanks everyone. And good luck on Monday!

Friday, 11 May 2012

Week 11: Black Death


Europe before the plague, commonly known as the Black Death, was a place of social advancement and urbanization. Particularly important during this period from 1200 to 1400 was Italy, where the seeds of the Renaissance were sown. Before the Black Death swept through and decimated populations and slowed the progress of all of Europe, Europeans, especially in Northern Italy, were enjoying a period of growth not seen since the Roman Empire.

Those who benefited most during this period were the artisans and merchants. In Florence, merchants collected church taxes. This led merchants to form banks. One such family – the Medici family – did so well in the 14th century that their descendent Cosimo de’ Medici was later able to take control of the city from the merchant oligarchy that was ruling. The engine behind the forward progress of the merchant class in Florence was wool. Wool became one of the two most important manufactured products that Europe could sell in foreign markets. The wool merchants were important figures in Florence, and at the peak of the 14th century up to half of the city’s population were involved. The city itself was enclosed in a series of walls, the last ring being completed between 1284 and 1333. These walls provided protection, but they also increased density; more people lived closer together, making the spread of disease more rapid and deadly.

Shipbuilding was to Venice as wool was to Florence. In Venice, the merchants lived well like their Florentine counterparts, except that they made their money through shipbuilding. When Venice gained independence from the Byzantine Empire around the year 1000, Venice achieved the freedom to further expand. Like wool in Florence, Venice shipbuilding required the hands of many trades. In Venice’s arsenale, or “Arsenal”, artificial pools connected by canals that led to open sea were created to build and house ships. Here, carpenters, sail-makers, caulkers, and designers all worked together to make ships efficiently. As a trading port, Venice brought in all kinds of goods and then sent those goods throughout Europe, creating a perfect route for the plague to follow throughout Europe when it struck in 1348.

The century before the Black Death struck in 1348, Europe, especially North Italy, saw great growth. However, this growth also caused greater urbanization, which facilitated the spread of the plague. Venice, although a great trading city, proved deadly when the plague broke out, for the very same ships spreading wealth and goods through Europe also spread the plague.

Andrew Conley


In the fourteenth century the Black Death spread across Europe devastating the populations of western civilisation both urban and rural. Estimates give the death toll as ranging between 18 to 50 million people depending on different historical and modern scientific sources. This would be approximately 30-60% of the population. Disaster of this epic scale affected all Europeans of this age and severely affected the advances made in the Renaissance era..

Such a massive and rapid death toll most certainly caused there to be an incredible vacuum in both the workforce and the economic marketplace. Suddenly, workers and their goods would be in much higher demand. Effects would be wages rising, also prices rising rapidly, while evidence exists to suggest rents lowered as demand decreased in urban centres especially. Evidence supporting this can be found in contemporary sources.

With such a profound shortage of labour and skilled workers there were abandoned and uncultivated lands. Fewer lands being worked for food production meant that there would be less produce to sell at markets creating a higher demand than supply and therefore rapid inflation. However, the common rural person in agrarian communities did not get their food from market, they ate what they grew, so any food they were able to sell would make them that much more money arguably lessening yet not avoiding the economic impact felt in urban centres.

Richard Holland


Most commonly known as bubonic, it would cause dangerous swellings called “buboes”.  It was transferred by fleas to rats and then to humans. It originated in Asia where large sums of people were killed, and brought over to Sicily in 1347 when merchant travelers brought infected rats with their ship.

The infection could spread one of two ways.
1.      Septacaemic: or infected by the blood, death results in a few hours.
2.      Pneumonic: spread via the air, death results in a few days.

The Plague hit the cities the hardest, however when it came to the county side it did major damage as the population was already weakened by famine. Children and the Elderly were the greatest impacted.  It lasted generations from 1347-1720.

Population Before Plague
Population After Plague

“In thirteen hundred and forty-eight of a hundred, there lived but eight”

Jade Popper

The picture is drawn by an Artist named Gilles Le Muisit. He was an artist and a painter during the time when black death has spread. The picture shows people burying people who died from Black Death.

Social Impacts of the Black Death

The Black Death was one of the most devastating events in history, resulting in millions of deaths across Europe. With the death of up to 50% of the population in cities and in rural areas there is a large impact on social areas of the region.

The first major impact was when the plague first broke out and everyone needed someone to blame. Due to its incredible rate of expansion, no one could work out exactly what was causing the plague, and many people blamed it on God’s anger or one of many natural phenomenons, like earthquakes. Many speculated that the Jews were also involved in poisoning the water, and as such they persecuted them heavily, ending in many Jewish deaths in an attempt to stop the plague.
As well as this persecution, the Church was seen to weaken. This was caused from a few different reasons, the major one being that priests were not able to help the sick, and therefore the power of god was questioned. The church also tended towards keeping itself apart from the general populace after the realising that there was nothing to prevent the plague. This led to the people seeing the church as weak, and turning their backs on the world.

After the plague decimated the population of Europe there was a much smaller available workforce and a lot of spare land, so this allowed for higher wages and for more of the common people to own their own land. Because of this trend landlords were forced more often to use freedom to buy the services of the peasants in their service. Overall it caused a complete reversal in power across Europe as the peasants were now required to work in an effort to reconstruct what Europe had been.

James Muus

Blog question: "The Black Death 'choked' the ideas of the Renaissance, do you agree?"

Thursday, 10 May 2012

We want your feedback

Dear Students,
You will have received en email from SETU (Student Evaluation of Teaching and Units), inviting you to evaluate ATS 1316. Please do so! We really want to know what you think.
These surveys are taken extremely seriously by the University. They are used when staff members apply for promotion, or for other jobs. They are also used to make changes to the units for next year, drawing on student comments. These blogs, for example, emerged out of comments by students that they sometimes felt disconnected during first year. Hence, we have tried to build community and encourage your readings by running these blogs.
So let us know what you think of the unit. YOU ARE VERY POWERFUL!
Many thanks, Clare

Thursday, 3 May 2012

Week 10: Courtly Culture and Crusading

The First Crusade of 1096 to1099 saw European Christians waging a war against the Islamic population of the Middle-East. Pope Urban II’s call to arms in 1095 proved to be effective in serving as the precursor to this crusade, as it created an opportunity to reclaim Jerusalem from Moslem rule. It was due to this that the First Crusade can be seen as a way to reflect the moral, political, and ecclesiastical ambitions of Pope Urban II.  This extremely violent religious war was fought also in regards to the threats placed on Christianity by the pagans and Islamic populations in the eighth and ninth centuries.

Motivations for people entering into the First Crusade were spurred on by Urban announcing that any Christian who goes to fight to reclaim the ‘Holy Land’ would be given certainty of entering into heaven. Other motivations for entering into the crusade included how the act
of campaigning was a seen as a satisfactory penitential act that saw the remission of sins.  Crusades also took part as a means of serving penance through going on a pilgrimage.

Although Christians suffered many hardships during the crusades, the end resulted in them capturing much of the territory; including the ‘Holy Land.’

The Second Crusade
       In addition to Muslims in the East, also encompassed the Wendish Crusade against pagans in Europe and Reconquista in Southern Spain against the Moors.
       In the East, German King Conrad III refuses to wait for French forces, and his army is almost completely destroyed by the Turks at Dorylaeum.
       Due to lack a of ships, French King Louis VII forced to send the majority of his army to Antioch on foot.
       Land forces massacred by Turks at Laodicea.
       Due to the substantial losses, the Crusade leaders opted to abandon the original goal of recapturing Edessa.
       Decision made to attack Damascus because, despite being an ally of Jerusalem, Turkish leader Nur ed-Din had married the daughter of its governor.
       Siege of Damascus ends in disaster after just four days when the Crusading army gives up its strategic position.

Third Crusade:
·         1189: May: Departure of Emperor Frederick for holy land
August: Siege of Acre begins
October 1189: Richard is crowned king
·         1190: June: Death of Emperor Frederick on crusade
·         1191: June 1: Richard of England takes Cyprus
June: Phillip begins fresh siege of Acre
June 8: Richard arrives at Acre
July 12: Acre Surrenders
August 20: Richard I orders the execution of 2,700 Muslim prisoners
·         1192: September: Richard I captures Jaffa
September 2: Treaty of Jaffa formally sworn between Richard I and Saladin

‘The Unholy Crusade’. (the Fourth crusade)

The Fourth Crusade was by and large the biggest failure of all the previous crusades. The crusaders travelled through Venice to get to Egypt; but lacked the funds to get there. On November 24th 2012 after five days of fighting, Crusaders captured the port of Zara, an opposing Merchant and Christian city. The Venetians had once controlled Zara but lost it. They offered passage to Egypt to the Crusaders in exchange for Zara. The Zara conflict didn’t provide the Crusaders with the necessary funds, Venice again used this as an excuse to exact vengeance against Constantinople for past injustices. The crusading army also had an excuse to attack Constantinople; they had greatly mistrusted Byzantines ‘fake’ Christianity over the past century of Crusading.

Niketas Choniates had an interesting quote of the sack of Constantinople, ‘With one consent all the most heinous sins and crimes were committed by all with equal zeal…could those, who showed so great madness against God himself, have spared the honourable matrons and maidens or the virgins consecrated to God?’ The Unholy Crusade was named thus because of the actions of the Crusaders against the Church, they had abandoned their pilgrimage, pillaged the Byzantine Church, and killed thousands of Christians.

Interesting Notes:
The crusaders apparently regained Relics from Constantinople including:
  • ·         A trace of Blood of Jesus Christ
  • ·         A piece of the Crucifix Cross
  • ·         A not ‘inconsiderable’ piece of St. John [The Baptist] &
  • ·         the arm of St. James, the apostle.

Blog Question: What was the overriding cause of people taking up the Cross? Did this reason change over the course of each crusade?